Hey ya'll...Logan here. Just a short update on our beautiful son Elias Reid, who is 3 Months old now. I know that most people do the whole "weeks" thing, but that just seems weird to me. My son is 10 weeks, 26 weeks, I am 1,248 weeks. Also, baby clothes are separated by 0-3 month not 0-12 weeks, so it just seems to make sense. Anyway, Elias is doing SO well these days. He is huge and healthy and learning more "tricks" everyday! He grabs toys, tries to turn the pages of his books during storytime, and just started adding the most precious giggling noises to that beautiful smile of his. As he gets older, he begins to look more and more like his mother. He has Erica's eyes, and even more so, her eyebrows! For those of you who know my wife, you know what I'm talking about. Eli can tell me EXACTLY how he feels with a simple shift of one or both eyebrows. The other day he was really tired and I thought that I was being a VERY FUNNY dad. My son simply raised One of his eyebrows and gave me a look that said, "Really dad, your gonna do that right now?" Oh how I hope he uses his powers for good as he gets older...
Enjoy the pics, and thanks for keeping up with the Martins!